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Honorary Donors

We are honoured to recognize the support of the following individuals, businesses and organizations that have helped make Elora Raft Rides a success. Their generous contributions of funding, consultation, in-kind contributions and pro-bono labour have made it possible to design and build our Classic Punts, venue, website and technology solutions, and many other facets of our enterprise. They have been critical in making Elora Raft Rides' Volunteer-Ship Program, Membership Program and Donor Program a reality.

If you are interested in supporting our Mission for responsible watershed eco-tourism and local development, please check out our Financing & Backers invitation. We are delighted to offer a range of multi-year complimentary Raft Rides, River Club Memberships, and Honorary Volunteer Privileges to express our gratitude.

Commodores' Partner

Sandi Hayes

George Thomas
Fergus Welding

Gordon Collier
MiddleBrook WoodWorking

William Brillinger

Jean-Louis Rivard

JP Mellville
Project & Program Mngmnt, Ottawa

Dan Hall
The Architect Builders Collaborative Inc.

Coordinators' Benefactor

Dave Hunter

Louis Melville

Jim Bruce

Clarke Melville

David Earle

Jesse Hayes

Captains' Patron

Bill Hornby

Jason Jule

Julie Darling

John Layman

Gillian Wilson

Bert Hutton

Commanders' Patron

Alex Watts

Robert M Boyd

Michael Starr

Lee Maidlow

Shipmasters' Sponsor

Mark McDowell

Walter Langford

Shane Curry

Malcolm Rombach

Gerald Shantz

Harold Murphy

Karen Hanson

Shelagh McCartney

Rob Woods

Daisy Moore

Noel Edison

Robert Hulse

Chris Laitar

Cathy Fitzgerald

Gord Allin

Neil Armstrong

Patrick Harkins

Pat Larkin

Rod Hamilton

Burke Maidlow

Boatswains' Sponsor

Gord Matthieu

James Scott

David Bowman

Brenda Baumgarten

Jenn @ Home*

Chris Humphries

Midshipmans' Friend

Sheila Smith

Stuart Smith

Alainna Smith

Graham Oughton

Doug Balkom

Aydan Csuhai

Ron Cousins

Michael Windsor

Ian MacRae

Bryan Hayter

John Hamilton

Deryk Smith

Peter Scott

Stan Litch

Ken Edwards

Rick Goodfellow

Vance Barber

Tony Desbottes

Paul Campbell

Erick Fleming

Dr. Radka Novak

Vickie Noble

Tara Wagner

Bill Newberry

Alex Ruiz

Joe Monteiro

Elise Wickens

Larry Turcotte

Gord Schweitzer

Sheila Cavanaugh

Norris & Mairead


Assistants' Friend

Amanda Morris

Andrea Friedman

Brad Forwell

David Wilcox

Bob Robb


Steve Carruthers

Amy Corner

Lori Maidlow

Shea Murray

Harve Hewer

Ernie Cashubec

Siohban McCauley

Jan Kochan

Jerry Kochan

Jennifer Burns

Matt Burns

Peter Skoggard

Dan Caya

Anna Melville

Tannis Slimmon

Terri Melville

Tom Melville

Allan Waters

Martine Blundell

Tina Clarke

Jeff Hutton

Rob Hutton

Jeremy Cleary

Eric Cousins

Neil Cousins

Don @ Home*

John @ Home*

Carol @ Home*

Jennifer Burton

Kelly Day

Jane McKenzie

Judy Bernard

Don Moore

Patty Kelly

Colleen Savage

Tom Near

Copyright © 2015 Elora Raft Rides